Monday, February 19, 2018

Weight Loss Plateau

For 2 WEEKS, I was in a SERIOUS weight loss plateau that had me confused, frustrated, depressed, and desperate. I did not lose one pound although I knew for a FACT that I was staying in my calorie range, exercising, staying off carbs and still juicing when I am not having a regular meal which is more often than not. During those two weeks, I tried EVERYTHING to break through this plateau. You name it, I did it. I was just OBSESSED with trying to get through this plateau. Nothing worked.

It was just frustrating because clothes were finally starting to fit better and I beginning to feel great. I've been steadily shedding pounds but it suddenly feels like a challenge to lose a few more to reach my goal weight. I was determined and have tried everything I know of but I still didn't see any changes on the scale!

Well, this past week I HAD to take a break from exercising because I am nursing a cold. So, I could not do a lot of strenuous exercise. I still ate healthy, although had some increase in calories intake. I got on the scale today, and what do you know...I lost 4 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was like my body was holding on to all of the weight that I have been trying to lose over these last 2 weeks, but it would not let go of it until it knew that it could!

So, Jillian Michaels was right! She said that a plateau is your body's way of letting you know that it thinks it is starving. She suggested that during a plateau, one should increase the calories, and then expect a BIG DROP in pounds in the next few weeks. Well, that is EXACTLY was happened! I did increase my calories (by a little), gave my body a REST from the exercise, and my body responded by "releasing' the weight it had been holding on to for the past 2 weeks!!

So, for those of you who are in the midst of a plateau, I feel your pain! Trust me. I was just as frustrated, angry, and confused as the rest of you. But, I did NOT give up on my exercise or nutrition regimen. Although I was angry, I stuck to it and just had faith that the weight would come off eventually, and it did!

While this was probably not my LONGEST plateau, it was NOT my first, I am sure. I just never took notice of it until now. I also know that I may experience more plateaus as I continue on this weight loss journey. However, I have learned a valuable lesson: Give your body a BREAK sometimes. It is working hard for you, and needs a rest. My new plan is to take a WEEK OFF every couple weeks. So, I will exercise hard for two weeks and juice, and then take a one week break. That will give my body time to recover, and shed pounds.

I am SO THRILLED that I broke through this plateau I feel refreshed and SUPER-EXCITED to enter this next phase of my weight loss journey.

Let me just tell you this, a weight-loss plateau is an integral part of weight loss. DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED! It is your body's way of protecting you for survival purposes. The weight-loss plateau occurs because your body thinks there is a famine and has slowed your metabolism in order to conserve calories. This will happen periodically throughout your weight-loss odyssey.

That said, a plateau will usually break on its own after about three weeks,

Keep up the motivation, be patient, and try to change your focus for a short time. Sometimes, too much focus and concentration will make one more stressed. This will slow the body down. You will progress just as you are supposed to in time.

One very important thing to keep in mind is that by exercising daily, eating well, and maintaining your emotional health, you are definitely doing the right thing. This is a lifestyle you are committed to, not the “4-day diet” or the “15-day miracle plan.” Temporary efforts produce temporary results. Plateaus can happen. But you’ve made healthy living your way of living, which means all realistic goals can and will be achieved.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Why Must Valentine’s Day Be Celebrated Once A Year?

So I always wondered why Valentine’s Day was only celebrated once a year? If you truly love and appreciate someone, why can you celebrate Valentine’s day every day of the year?

We were at that time of the year again, February 14, when people go crazy in proclaiming their love for their loved ones on Valentine’s Day. But putting aside all the commercial hype, just what is really going on here?!

If you are in a relationship, is it what you always dreamed about? And why should you only celebrate and demonstrate your love on just Valentine’s Day? Why just one day of the year?

In a dream relationship, you bring out the best in one another and make yourself stronger together as a team than apart. Such a relationship helps you become a better person and provides you with the happiness that you deserve.

If you have been together for a long time, you could take each other for granted. This does not imply that your love for each other is fading, but simply just a lack of effort. Be willing to make the time and effort for each other.

Be realistic too and accept that no one person is ever going to fulfill your every need and desire. Truly committing yourself to someone requires insight, trust, and being open to vulnerability. Finding such a person and respecting your judgment are a prerequisite to creating an everlasting, happy relationship.

So how can you make your relationship even more special and celebrate Valentine’s Day EVERY day of the year?

These are my thoughts…

  • Get clear on what you want from the relationship. Make the fulfillment of your short term and long term needs, the criteria for choosing a partner and being in a relationship. Create and share a vision of your dream life together.
  • Accept your partner just as they are. Your partner is a very special human being – the only one in the world like them, with their own wonderful traits and unique gifts. Truly love the whole beautiful package they came in. 
  • They are entitled to their own decisions, hobbies, goals and hopes. Find out their deepest desires and get as excited about them, as you are about yours. And remember that this wonderful human being is prepared to spend their life with you despite knowing all your shortcomings!
  • Be generous and loving in all your dealings with your partner. Give unconditionally, rather than wanting something back in return. A lot of relationships work on a 50 / 50 basis whereby partners do things for each other only on a tit for tat basis. Instead, commit 100% to doing things for your partner, and with zero expectation. If your partner gives you their commitment on the same 100% / zero basis, then you will both be in Nirvana!
  • Always be in integrity. Commit to tell your partner the total truth, as honesty is one of the key things people want in a relationship. Knowing they can trust you builds a zone of safety and comfort around them.
  • Resolve your differences as soon as they happen. Conflict actually fuels a genuinely passionate partnership. So accept responsibility for your part of the issue at stake, and do not blame your partner. The sooner you stop blaming and start talking, the better you will feel.
  • Never go to sleep with an unresolved issue. Last thing at night, tell your partner what you love about them being in your life.
  • Do not criticize. It is ok to complain but not criticize. Your partner is doing the best they can – support them in becoming an even better person – you will benefit in the long term. NEVER put your partner down in front of other people.
  • Create a haven for your partner. Make them feel so safe and secure with you, that they drop all their defensiveness. It is natural to feel fear and you can help them overcome it with lots of tender loving care.
  • Thoughtfulness is so important in a healthy relationship. So be considerate of your partner’s feelings and treat them with the utmost care and kindness.
  • Let go of the past. All relationships have their difficulties. Remember only the lessons learnt and forget the details. Weather the stormy moments, and savour the memory of sunny days. Remember what brought the two of you together in the first place. What attracted you to each other? What do you admire about your partner’s personality?
  • Have a fun date with your partner regularly and often. Spend one night a week with each other. At that particular time nothing is as important as your time together. Strengthen your relationship by putting each other first. Give the relationship the same commitment you made when you first started dating – simply put each other first!

In a dream relationship, you and your partner can be yourselves. You are honest and patient with each other. You accept each other, and you are kind and thoughtful. In such an open and caring relationship, your love is sure to grow, and working together you can keep your relationship happy and healthy.

From this Valentine’s Day or next, start working to make your dream relationship even better.

And then be sure to celebrate Valentine’s Day every day of the year!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Miracle Child

Where has time gone? It seems like only yesterday, my now grown up daughter was just a little snot. Looking back, I am surprised she survived seeing how I was such an inexperienced mother. Also I am surprised she survived the first three months of her life with her constant crying 24-7. Better still.... I am even more surprised she still has a mother and I did not go crazy (ok... hold that thought)...

I wanted to child badly. For three years, I tried, only to be disappointed or heart broken by a miscarriage. There were 3 miscarriages that I actually knew of.

However, 15 years ago, a miracle happened.

I conceived my little girl. I took great care of myself and her. For 9 months, I stayed away from fish/seafood to avoid mercury poisoning. I stayed away from caffeine. Because of my rare blood type (A-), I was under the high risk pregnancy category. But I was determined and I knew this time, my baby was going to be alright.

Most women would see their doctor once a month when they were pregnant but for me, I had to go in every 2 weeks and get blood work done. Then during the last trimester, I had to be seen once a week. But it was all worth it.

Yet, during the full term, I stressed every day. I was scared of another heart break.

When I was 6 months pregnant, I learned I was having a baby girl. Of course I was thrilled even though it did not really matter if I had a son or a daughter, as long as they were healthy. But it was time to decide on a name for my little Princess.

One evening, I was reading out names from a Baby Name book, picking a few names from each alphabet, from A - Z. Half way through it, at some point, I told my little Princess to show me a sign if she liked a name I mentioned.

Geraldine....Jessica..... Kimberly..... No sign.

Laura....Leanne..... Still no sign....

I swear to God, I said "LeiLani" and she kicked. It was a name I actually felt my little Princess could relate to and the fact that it was actually a song that was sung by two of my favourite singers.

In case you have not heard the song, it is called "Sweet LeiLani" and I always took a liking to it when Marty Robbins sang it and even more so when I heard the home recordings of Elvis Presley.

Nevertheless, I decided to go back mentioning the names I did before 'LeiLani'.... so I said "Geraldine... Jessica... Kimberly.... Laura.... Leanne" ... and no sign (yet again)..... And I said "LeiLani" and she kicked.

So it had been decided there and then that she would be named "LeiLani" which suits her perfectly as it actually means "Heavenly Child" which she is.

February 14 2003, 15 years ago.... I was already beginning to have mild contractions although my doctor had planned to induce me on the 15th. I still managed to celebrate Valentine's Day. I watched a movie... I could not miss Dare Devil with Ben Afflect! And I also had a pretty good meal at my favourite restaurant. I had a 16oz prime rib and a double serving of mashed potatoes. Ha.

Got home and not even an hour later, I found myself at the hospital.

February 15th 2003, my little Princess entered my life and everything became simply wonderful, in the truest sense of the word.

Throughout the years, she never seized to amaze me. She was a strong little girl, a fighter. She is a carbon copy of me.

Raising an amazing daughter like her is one the greatest accomplishment of my life. Even when I think that she cannot get any more wonderful, adorable, caring and beautiful, she does.

She amazes me even when I thought I could no longer be amazed by anything.

So I hope that as she celebrates her birthday, that she will always remember that I love her and her brother so much and will do everything within my power to ensure that their journey in life is as smooth as possible. Their happiness in life is my mission for life. And I promise to ensure that I will do everything humanly possible to make them smile all the time.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Juice Feast

Detoxing the body has become an increasingly popular practice in recent years. Juice Fasting is one method of detoxing and is sometimes known as going on a juice detox or a juice diet.

I am currently on Round 3 of a fabulous Juice Feast and the results has been amazing!!

I termed it juice ‘FEAST’ rather than juice ‘FAST’ because one gets ALL the calories one would normally get in a day (i.e. 1500 for an average woman) – from at least 4 litres/1 gallon of fresh juice, daily (green vegetable juices and fruit juices). Often when people fast they take in very small amounts of liquid/calories, the metabolism slows, their energy slumps, and they may feel quite ‘dysfunctional’. Juice Feasting works differently, supporting the feaster to be very functional in daily life and meeting all calorie needs, while experiencing massive cleansing on a cellular level.

The romance of unhealthy foods is powerful, as evidenced by many who struggle daily with being overweight and obese. But it is essential to break the cycle of dependence on saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, processed foods, and excess caffeine and alcohol.

In addition to breaking the cycle of cravings of foods that undermine your health, just three days of a juice cleanse can do so much. However, me being me, I jumped right into 7-days and I have no regrets! Of course, that is no big deal as I have met others who jumped right into 21 days and 60 days!

I first learned about juicing just a little over a year ago. I didn’t think much of this until I learned that even Engelbert Humperdinck did this on many occasions and showed great results. I started to read up more about it and many swore by it and have shown tremendous results.

So 2018 rolled around and I decided to make a new year resolution. I know people would say a resolution is rubbish and most don’t stick to it. But two years ago, overweight Debra decided she was going to do something about her weight and made a resolution to eat better and to exercise. I kept to my 2016 resolution.

Well, my 2018 resolution is to get fitter and much healthier. I decided to give this juice fast a shot. I am going to start feeling better about myself in all aspects.

I found a ‘starter’ juicer that was on clearance. USD $20. Not a bad price. So I bought it. I didn’t want to jump into a very expensive juicer, just in case, juicing wasn’t something for me.

I swear, that was the best money spent!! I used it for 2 rounds before the ‘pusher’ for the juicer went missing. Must have accidentally fallen into the trash while I had it out, drying. But my supportive mother, ran right out to buy me a new, bigger and better juicer. She was so proud of what I had accomplished in the first two rounds of juicing.

And so, I am back in business.

Let me move on to talking about the first time I started, my experiences, my thoughts, etc…

When I first started on Round 1, I was nervous. I am one person who hates to fail at anything I do. So I was really afraid I would not be able to handle 7 days of purely just juice and water. The fact that I am also a coffee addict and if I don’t get my 2 cups (at least) of coffee a day, I’d be in bed, nursing a migraine, got me even more terrified. Yet, I went on with the challenge. Challenge not with anyone but myself.

I should have timed it better though, silly me started Round 1 / Day 1 on my son’s birthday! We did have a nice birthday dinner, the night before but still…. So imagine it being your first time juicing, and you’re sitting at KFC with your kids, smelling the lovely fried chicken, watching them enjoy every bite while you sipped water. It was a struggle. Then heading home to have my son cut his birthday cake and not have a slice. My kids were funny and joked about juicing the cake for me. But I survived day 1.

Round 1 / Day 2 was still a struggle. But I got through it. Then day 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 came and went by so quickly!

I surprised myself. I did it!! After the third day, I did not even have any cravings. Not even for coffee. And I sure did not get any migraines from the lack of coffee or no coffee! The best part about it? I saw amazing results. I lost a total of 5kg (11 pounds).

The week after, I decided to take a break from juicing. So I can enjoy some good food especially since my granny was cooking. I was even more surprised with how disciplined I was. I did not crave food. I did not crave coffee. Everything was in moderation. I ate more healthily and stayed away from carbs without even missing it.

I was already beginning to feel a change in me… a good change.

Right after that rest week, I jumped right back into another 7-day juice fast. I don’t really follow any recipes; I just make them up as I go along. Right after Round 2, I decided I would jump straight into Round 3 for another 7-days as the week after, it would be my daughter’s birthday and Chinese New Year. However, I changed Round 3 a little. I had to do 2 juices and 1 meal a day as I was on antibiotics.

Back to Round 2. I didn’t get as big a results as when I did Round 1. I only lost 2kg (4.4 pounds) but was told the reason why I lost so much the first time was because that was all the water/liquid. But it is alright. I wasn’t disappointed or anything. In fact, I was more determined.

I am on Day 5 of Round 3 as I write this. I have never felt better in my entire life. I feel so much healthier and so accomplished. I definitely feel a lot better about myself. My skin has improved. It is a lot smoother and I am glowing! I look better in the outfits I put on. Overall, I simply feel awesome.

This could be my norm from now on. My goal is to lose another 5kg (11 pounds) at least.

The bigger accomplishment was starting a FB group on Juice Fasting. We’re almost hitting 900 members and every day, I still receive at least 3 requests to join our group. In the group, we share recipes, experiences, goals, etc. And even bigger than that accomplishment, I have managed to inspire lots of friends and many are now starting to juice as well.

With all of the benefits, how could you NOT do a juice feast?! I know what you’re thinking, ‘I could NEVER do that!’ Let me tell you, I love food, and coffee…and some alcohol! If I can do it, YOU CAN DO IT. Seriously, take my word on this!!

The starting reaction of most people who saw me do this wasn't very positive - at first most were shocked, worried and some plain appalled at the fact that I was "starving" myself - even my parents were a bit worried at first.

And then as the days and weeks passed, many opinions and comments changed - all of a sudden "I was glowing" and my "skin was perfect" …. I had to chuckle and resist the "I told you so".

I myself was amazed at the changes in my body.

I am not kidding when I say the changes were huge….
-          Perfect skin, I'm talking FLAWLESS
-          A glow
-          Release of a lot of extra weight
-          Sky high levels of steady energy and endurance
-          Clarity of mind (it's crazy what chemicals in the food will do to your brain)
-          Deep and restful sleep
-          A solid feeling of health and wellness

I was also running every other day, between 5km to 6km (3.1 miles to 3.7 miles).

I know these may seem too good to be true, but I promise you, I wouldn't lie to you! Ask my family and my close friends and they will testify to this.

Yes, at the start, I was excited to start and at the same time pretty nervous about it as it is not an easy process - most worthwhile things never are!

So back to the technical stuff on juicing. Things I have learned and read up about since I started this.

Experts recommend you eat at least 6 to 8 servings of vegetables per day, which many people (myself included) have difficulty achieving. That’s where juicing can help fill the void.

So what is involved in a juice fast?

Juice fasting involves consuming only fresh fruit and vegetable juices and water for a set period of time. The duration of the juice fast can vary from just one day to around 28 days although it is widely agreed that juice fasting novices start with a couple of one day fasts and when they are comfortable with this build up to a 3 day fast.

There are SO many reasons why juicing is so beneficial and here are just a few I have come up with and read about:

-          Juice requires hardly any digestion, so all its nutritional goodness gets rapidly into your system while simultaneously giving your digestive system a rest. Your body can then use that saved energy to clean out old matter, especially from the small intestine.

-          When you juice, you use way more fruits and vegetables than you could actually eat at one time. As a result, you are drinking a HUGE quantity of vitamins, minerals and other plant-based nutrients that would be impossible to get otherwise.

-          You give your WHOLE BODY a chance to “clean house”. Without the added burden of digestion, which takes a LOT of time and energy, the body is now free to work on other things like detoxing the liver and kidneys…and the remains of all those Ramen Noodles you used to eat!

-          Improved focus and mental clarity
-          Anti-Aging
-          Improved bone & joint function
-          Stronger Immune System 
-          Better digestion
-          Better overall mood
-          Healthier hair, skin and nails
-          Natural body weight
-          ENERGY!!!

So, to wrap this blog post up, once again, I wanted to tell all of you that three years ago, I weighed about 80kg (176 pounds) and after 2 years of cutting back on eating as much and I got started on exercising, I went down to 72kg (158 pounds).

But after the first 7 day juice fast, I went right down to 65kg (143 pounds).

All in all, it took a lot of effort and determination and I am still determined to lose more. My goal is to hit between 58kg (127 pounds) to 60kg (132 pounds).

I still love my food but I have cut back on it and have the unhealthy chicken wings or burgers once a week (or not at all) instead of every other day. I don't crave coffee anymore although a cup once in a blue moon is nice. No craving for chocolates. Alcohol is only socially but it's always been socially.

I have been eating healthier. White meats and veggies. No fatty food and I have cut off carbs. I snack on fruits when my mouth starts to feel itchy but believe it or not, it doesn’t even get to that point.

I also add in the occasional runs/jogs about twice or 3 times a week.

I have never felt my best in years. Lighter, healthier and more confident.

My advice to those trying to lose weight is to decide what you really want then work at it and stick to it. Nothing will come over night and it will take a lot of willpower but keep telling yourself you can do it and in time, you will see the results and feel accomplished and that alone would help you work harder towards your goal.

SUCCESS isn't just about what you accomplish in your life.
It's about what you INSPIRE others to do.

  © I Am S.P.G.

Design by Debra Palmer