The date was February 19th 2012 – that was
four years ago to date.
This date will forever hold perfect memories of a
lifetime… or until I grow old and senile or start suffering from dementia…. but
until that happens (hopefully not)… I hope to forever keep this memory close to
my heart.
Months prior to this date, I heard Engelbert Humperdinck
would be performing in Singapore again. I was thrilled as the last my mum and I
saw him in concert was in the year 2010 but I will get to that later… Of course
I bought the most expensive tickets for both my mum and me. Unfortunately, we
did not get the best seats as I was so caught up with work and did not buy the
tickets when it first went on sale. But we were just glad to get tickets even
though we were in the 16th row or something like that from the
Gosh the last we saw Engelbert in concert before this was
in June of 2010 in Malaysia. We did not get to meet him though. But before
that, we saw him in concert for the first time in October of 2003. I was then
living in USA and I bought my mum a plane ticket to come visit me from Singapore so
we could go see Engelbert at Foxwoods Casino. That was our first Engelbert
concert and the first time we got to meet him!!
Anyway, to fast forward all the nitty gritty details…. my
mum and I were fortunate enough to be given backstage passes to meet the Legend
himself again and not just that, but we were given concert tickets – front row
Engelbert was amazing as always. He gave his best to his
fans who like both my mum and I, thoroughly enjoyed every single minute of the
concert. I was torn though…. towards the end of the concert, I was feeling sad
as the concert was over and I did not know when I would see him perform again….but
I was also excited because we will finally get to go backstage!
As both my mum and I sat backstage and waited for
Engelbert, we mingled with his band members and I swear my heart was beating so
hard and fast I thought it was going to pop right out of my chest! A few
minutes after, Engelbert walked out and everything felt a lot better. I guess
that is the kind of energy he gives out…. He lets you feel so much at ease to
be around him.
He was absolutely gorgeous inside and out!! First thing
he did was to give both my mum and I the biggest and warmest hug. Yes, he gives
the best hugs!! We introduced ourselves and we just talked as if we had known
one another for a long time. I showed him the tattoo on my arm that had part of
the lyrics to “Love Me With All Your Heart” and he said to me, “you mean you
had it tattooed?” I went on to explain that I did it in memory of my
grandfather as it was his favourite song.
The best part about this meeting was the fact that we
also got to meet his family; Scott, Louise and Patricia!! My regret…. that we
did not ask to have a photo taken together!!! I sure hope we get that chance
one day in the near future.
We presented him with a little award we had made for him
and also had him sign on one which we had planned to put in our showcase.
It was a meeting of a lifetime!! Engelbert has got such a
beautiful warm heart. You can’t help but love him and feel so much love for him
especially when you’re standing right in front of him and looking in to his
Till this day, I am still very grateful to the Legend
himself for taking the time out to meet with both my mum and me after his
performance. I especially appreciated it because I know he must have been
exhausted, yet he gave us so much love. I am also truly grateful to the people
who made it possible for us to make this memory.
No one can take Engelbert’s place. In fact, lots of other
celebrities should follow in his footsteps. He’s so down to earth. He gives so
much back to his fans. He appreciates his fans and never fails to show it to
them every single day. He takes the trouble to respond to his fans on social
media. He makes us feel special. This is a true gentleman. A true celebrity who
deserves all the success.
He may not know it, but a simple gesture of ‘liking’ or ‘retweeting’
my tweets about him ,goes a long way. It can turn my most awful day in to the
best day ever. It can put a smile on my face for the whole day and it lifts my
spirits up without fail…. And when he does ‘tweet’ me….. I am on cloud 9.
I am one person who has to deal with a lot on my plate so
in all honesty, Engelbert has been helping (without even knowing) me see the
brighter side to things and life in general.
I hope to tell it to him one day. I hope to get to thank
him one day.
“Never underestimate a girl’s love for her favourite
band/singer. Never think, even for a minute, that she won’t defend them to her
death. Because it’s not just the music that makes the band/singer her
favourite. It’s the guys, it’s the girls, it’s the fans. People whom of which
she has interacted with, thanks to the band/singer. That band/singer might have
saved her life. Or maybe they just make her smile every day. That girl’s
favourite band/singer, they have never broken her heart. They have yet to leave
her. No wonder she finds such joy in her music.”