Sunday, March 29, 2015

Goodbye Mr Lee Kuan Yew

On March 27 (Friday), I accompanied my colleague and buddy Imhar and volunteered my time at the LKY memorial at Bedok Central. What an eye opener it was and it sure did make me realize that if not for him, we would not have what we’ve got right now. I am thankful I was given the opportunity to volunteer as a last resort to show my appreciation for everything Mr Lee has done for us.

We have all been crying since we learnt of the death of Mr Lee Kuan Yew. In fact, it is odd for me since I have never met him and since I never really appreciated the fact I was a Singaporean. I admit, I was one of the unappreciative ones who wanted so much to get out of Singapore during my growing up years… and I did… for 11 years.  But I have learnt that the grass is not always greener on the other side and we moved back to Singapore where I can rest my heart and know my kids will have a good education and will be safe.

We all anticipated this as Mr Lee’s health was fading over the years but I suppose we wish he would have remained with us for a while longer and to at least be able to celebrate SG50 with us. But people die and that is life.

The whole nation mourned and waited outside the Parliament house for close to 10 hours just to pay their last respect to Mr Lee. It says something about a person if the nation is so affected by his passing and so willing to wait in the heat just to get that few seconds by his casket to pay their last respects to him. Even world leaders showed up to pay their last respects.

-- Old friend of Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Henry Kissinger teared up as he paid last respects to him at Parliament House. --

I do feel a sense of regret for not showing my appreciation sooner to Mr Lee for his vision and for building a nation from a swamp to a city. I appreciate the fact now that he remained tough and for putting his life on the line so we have a future, a nation that is recognized all around the world. We are no longer just a little red dot on the map.

I am certain we all feel a sense of loss just like how anyone would feel when we lose someone who has touched our lives. Despite not knowing Mr Lee on a personal level, we’ve all seen him on TV, heard his speeches and benefited from his work. From being educated to gaining employment, a home to live in, transportation and safety.

I regret the fact that I misunderstood the man and his intentions. I assumed too much but understood too little. I failed to see the fruits of his labour yet I enjoyed these fruits and forgot about the source of where it all started.

I finally see… despite his hard persona, he was a man who cared and loved deeply.

He cared for the people of Singapore. He cried 50 years ago because his vision of a better Singapore was ruined when the merger failed. Many would have given up but Mr Lee Kuan Yew fought on, never giving up and perhaps sacrificing more than he should. It was never really about him but about the people around him.

There is also much we can learn about his commitment and love for his wife. He never hid how much he loved his wife. He listened to her, consulted her and treated her like a partner who was his equal. He made time for her and cared for her until her dying day.

-- Lee Kuan Yew's Final Farewell to Mrs Lee (Madam Kwa Geok Choo) --

We were often labelled as a materialistic society that only cared for ourselves, but we saw how Mr Lee’s death brought out the best in us. From free food and drink and volunteering our precious time. We gave freely perhaps because we have received.

We saw a side of Singapore that we never knew existed. We were a country that was determined, patient, resourceful, adaptable, caring and grateful. We finally saw a side of Singapore that came forth beautifully even as a life was taken away. We have grown as a nation but we now have to stand on our own.

If not for Mr Lee Kuan Yew, our lives could all have been different. We were blessed to have such a man of such foresight to lead our land in the yesteryear so that we can enjoy what we can today.

I will miss Mr Lee Kuan Yew. He wasn’t perfect. No one is. But for what he did, he did for the greater good. We cannot fault him on that.

It’s been a week of crying and a week of reflections. It’s been a tough one for us Singaporeans but also an enlightening one as the tears gave us clarity to our sight, for what we have taken for granted, for what we have failed to see.

Today, we waved our last goodbye and we gave our last cry as it dawned on us that the future is left for us to shape and mould.

Tomorrow, we may forget the past week. But may we never forget the many lessons we can learn from this man and how he has inspired us and what we can do to continue his legacy.

Thank you, Mr Lee. You have moved me and the rest of the Singaporeans, even in death. You have made me more than proud to be a Singaporean. Thank you for building a beautiful country for us. We owe you a debt that cannot be repaid. But the best we can do is to continue to live by the principals you laid down for us and that is to uphold justice integrity, honesty, hard work, love for our family, self sacrifice for the good of society and to do our part in making Singapore a better country for all of us to live in.

Goodbye Mr Lee. Your work is done. May you rest in everlasting peace knowing that your people love you.

Lee Kuan Yew - National Anthem Tribute (By Disrupt)

Funeral procession from Sri Temasek to Parliament House

Thousands attend funeral of Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew

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