Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Happy 14th Anniversary To Us

I'd like to take this opportunity to wish my hubs a very Happy 14th Wedding Anniversary. Hard to imagine we've been married for so long yet our love remains strong. We've been through ups and downs and with each situation, we come out stronger than ever.

You really wouldn't believe it if I told you we met online. Yes it's true and yes I'm one of the lucky ones.

Nevertheless, the 14th wedding anniversary is usually called the ivory anniversary. The name come from the fact that ivory was traditionally presented to the wife or husband as a gift on their 14th anniversary of their wedding. In modern times, gold has replaced the use of Ivory as a gift. Good thing gold has replaced ivory because I wouldn't know where to get an elephant tusk! Ha.

I've learned a lot about marriage in the past 14 years and here's just some of what I've learned....

1. That we must forgive each other of we are going to have peace and joy in our marriage. Someone once told need that “A good marriage is made up of two good forgivers.”

2. Fighting is normal although I must admit it sure doesn’t feel normal when it’s happening.  It’s miserable to fight with the one you love most.

3. There is no other relationship on this planet that has challenged me more to the core, as marriage.  It has shown me many of my weaknesses and short comings and has taught me to overcome them.

4. It has taught me to do the harder things as it’s easier to criticize and nag than it is encourage and build up. 

5. We reap what we sow in marriage. I can see clearly – the grass IS NOT greener.  When my grass looks brown – and someone else’s looks greener – I simply need to water my grass everyday till it’s green again! 

6. I’m not really that great to be married to.  I’d like to think I’m the bomb diggity and my hubby lucked out in scoring a wife like me to be married to (*wink*) - but to be honest I have blind spots…things I don’t see that he very clearly does see and those things are annoying. 

7.  My husband doesn’t always show his love by his words or affection but often it’s through his faithfulness and his provision for the family.

8.  Marriage is hard work and can be a bumpy road at times.  But if I hang on tight to the hand of my husband – I’ll have the best ride of my life!

So before I go on,  I would like to say this to my hubby....

Dear Hubs,

Happy Anniversary!  Thank you for your faithfulness and unconditional love through all the highs and lows. Thank you for giving me your heart, your leadership, two beautiful children and a home to care for. I love you more everyday and can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you!!!  

One by one each year flew by, since we said 'I do'. Fourteen years of memories, shared by the two of us. From big events and holidays, to simple daily pleasures. Some tearful times along life’s way, some joys that can't be measured. One by one each year now gone, but still it's ours, forever each and every memory, of sixteen years in total together! 

Fourteen years ago, we joined as one, and worked together to make living fun. We are partners in life in both work and play. With everything we had done, between through and accomplished in these fourteen years, we could be role models for anyone and everyone who believes in eternal love, for those who trust that there really is a 'one and only.' We could be role models for the benefits of a happy marriage through unconditional love, showing that two are better than one, that it is better to be a team in facing life's challenges, for commitment, for caring, for unselfish devotion.

I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you. And there is no feeling more comforting and consoling than knowing I am right next to the one I love.

Knowing you will be with me in all my tomorrows, makes my today so wonderful. It doesn't matter where I go in life, what I do ..... it's who I have beside me... YOU side by side - year by year. True love stories never end.

Our wedding was fourteen years ago. The celebration continues to this day. The celebration of love, trust, partnership and tolerance.  

It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.  *GRIN*

I love you Edward Palmer.

Thank you for all those wonderful years and the wonderful memories you have given me. 

Happy Wedding anniversary!

Your wife,
Debra Palmer


And "our song" fits our story so perfectly. - Savage Garden's "I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You"


Nevertheless, what did we do today or what did we get for each other?

The question really is what do we really want to do and what do we want?  We've been together 16 years...We've done everything together and we've got every thing our hearts desire. What more could we ask for?

Since my mum is still not on talking terms with me, we decided to sneak away from the office early this afternoon and met up at Orchard. First we headed to Dunkin Donuts to get Eddie two bags of coffee. Yes that was what he wanted for our anniversary.

After that we made our way to Paya Lebar and walked over to City Plaza. Instead of a fancy dinner, we decided we’d eat something we really like and have been dying to try. We headed to Arnold’s Chicken!

When that was done, my dear hubby walked me over to Haig Road and by then, we had halfway digested the chicken we just had and so I had some room for my favourite Putu Piring.

It was back to Bedok after that but it wasn’t the end to our date. We walked around Bedok Mall for a while and enjoyed our time alone together. While we were there, Ed bought me the nail polish I had been dying for…the mirror finish!

Oh did I mention I was feeling mighty sentimental today so I wore my diamond engagement ring?

Back home, we spent time with the kids and my lovely daughter Lani made us a Nutella cake.

I feel like the luckiest person in the whole wide world!

  © I Am S.P.G.

Design by Debra Palmer