The last five days has been a nightmare for us. It was a trying time and a time we finally realize who actually has our backs (friends and family). A time we fought but still stuck together as a family to try and come up with a way to solve the current situation we were put in to.
Of course under the given situation and pressure, each one of us felt we were pressurized by the rest to put in more effort in trying to handle and fix the situation. In actual fact, we were all in it together because we are a family and that is what a family should do to protect one another.
Thursday, an old mutual friend of my brother's and I sent me this newspaper clipping with the incident on it and my brother's picture. Of course it was in Thai so I had to have someone translate it for me. Nothing really major was mentioned (thankfully) but it is this that makes me think otherwise.... Yes I know my bother has balls of steel and has that bad boy tendency but he probably was framed by enemies. I have a few suspects actually. But whatever it is, lets see...
Nevertheless, within three days, we managed to pull together the bail and now it's time to put more faith and prayers that this situation isn't so huge or that these corrupted people will accept the bail as they initially asked for and not raise the amount to anything higher than what we've already got.
Right now, there isn't much else we can do but's the waiting that I hate most!! What should we expect? Good news or bad news? The time right now just can't pass any quicker can it?
It's breaking my heart!! More so each time I look at his photo in the newspaper article. He's such a smart person and so very talented and creative...all wasted.
But on a different note, my BH sister in Malaysia has asked me to meet with her friend who is in Singapore. She had asked him to deliver my NKOTB surprise box to me for my early birthday present. I was excited all day and also spent the afternoon 'creating' some NKOTB surprises for her. I made her a tin piggy bank and a couple cups. I hope she likes it.
So yes, I finally collected the box and went straight home to open it up! I was like a hyper kid at Christmas. So many surprises! I felt blessed.
Inside the box:
1. NKOTB Deluxe Box Set
2. A signed NKOTB “10” CD – YES it’s signed biatches!!
3. A signed NKOTB photo – YES again it’s signed!!
4. Jordan Knight’s “Ah F*ck Yeah” bracelet
5. Forever 21 NKOTB Edition Shirt 6. Photos of NKOTB when they were signing the CD!
Thank you Thong Yeen Fuan (Sarynna). We’ve only briefly met in Jakarta at the NKOTBSB concert and have been in touch via Social Media channels but you’re the sister I never had. Thank you for these surprises. I am ever so grateful.