Saturday, October 8, 2011

Never again... not for a while anyway

Wait till you hear what I did today...

But lets start with my godma visiting me this morning. So my godmother came by about 10.30am and visited with me for about half hour. It was nice. I really love my family on my mother’s side that is. Since I was a child, I’ve always been spoilt by them...I dare say even till today! And I love it!

After my godmother left, my mum took the kids out to Parkway for Children’s Day. Ed and I? Well, I wanted to get out of the house. Was getting pretty sick of staring at the four walls. So, Ed took me for a walk. We went out to grab some lunch. I think I was being over adventurous and should have just started out ‘crutching’ to the playground but I did twice the distance and went to the coffee shop!! What should have taken only an hour, turned out to be a 2 hour outing. Boy was I sore after getting home!!!

So needless to say, the rest of the day I spent at home. I was too sore to even walk about on the crutches at home. I just flopped between my bed and my computer, and the toilet if needed!!

Well, I won’t try this walk a mile with this crutch shit again!

I am getting tired of this shit. I am such an independent woman that I feel totally helpless and useless now. It is frustrating and depressing.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

It’s frustrating

It’s really frustrating to feel so useless. I am simply unable to do anything for myself. But I guess I really should be thankful for having a supportive mum and husband and kids...not to mention friends.

This was what my boss told me on FB today...”don’t kick my husband so hard next time” … haha funny.

Oh! And this afternoon, my husband and kids go down to the shop to get some stuff for the house and they come home with a cat! He’s cute though. He is the new member to our family...he is on trial for now...if I don’t develop allergies or an asthma attack, if he doesn't scratch our furniture…he stays.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thank goodness

Eddie came to the hospital at 6.30am this morning to accompany me and I realized his shirt colour matched my hospital PJs. Haha. A simple coincidence. That wasn’t the only thing, he said he woke up at 5.20am this morning and wondered if I was awake…and I was!! Told him we were like Vincent and Catherine with the ‘bond’ from Beauty and the Beast.

After the docs did their rounds, and talked to me at 7.30am, Ed then pushed me in a wheelchair and took me down for some breakfast. Never thought I’d roll in a wheelchair but this time I didn't have a choice. I also have not eaten a thing in 34 hours! I am finally feeling hungry and not sick to my stomach.

So we ate and went back up to my room and breakfast was waiting. Glad I ate something at the cafe because this hospital macaroni sucked!

After they took out the IV at about 10am and by the way, what a nightmare that was. As the dumb ass nurse pulled out the IV, I was squirting blood all over! Took a while before it stopped.

Then they gave me my crutches and boot....I was ready to leave right there and then! So with Ed’s help, I got dressed in my leaving clothes…to be more specific, in my Jordan Knight Stingy shirt…Tried to give the nurses the hint that I was ready and wanted to be discharged early.

So I finally get home at 1pm. Nice to sleep on my own comfy bed.

Lani gives me a menu for the handicap that she made. Stuff she is able to cook for me and I can order it from her at any time. Hehe...and she even gave me an NKOTB manicure!! She sure is pampering me. Eddie had to attend a course but thankfully my mum was home with me. I slept most of the afternoon away anyways.

Just as I dozed off at 9pm, the door bell rang so my hubby got the door. Flowers from my family at the office! How sweet! Really I am touched.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

This is it!

There's no turning back. This is it! The big day. The day I've been waiting for (kind of)....the day I finally get my foot fixed!

So I woke up at 8am. Kissed mum and Logan goodbye and headed to Changi Hospital with Ed. Got myself checked in and like that, I had to kiss Ed and go in to prepare for surgery. I was cold, and scared (some kind of tough girl I am eh?).

Changed into the surgery gown, took my pressure and temp, and sat there and waited. Finally, 10.30am, it's my turn. I walked down the corridor with the nurse...I get on the bed and lie flat while they push me into the operating theatre. There I lay for a good hour before it was my turn. IV was put in, oxygen mask on my face and as I took deep breaths,...that was the last I remembered being in there....

I finally wake up to the nurse telling me it was over. I start to feel the numbness and throbbing in my foot. They push me back to my ward/room and not too long after I saw Ed and boy was I relieved.

I was still out of it.....and about an hour after, my mum and the kids came by. I was so happy to see them. Felt really sick from the GA so I napped while Ed, mum and the kids went to grab a bite. I wasn't even hungry after almost 24 hours!!

The three pics below shows a tired Ed who waited at the hospital with me for 12 hours straight, even while I was in the operating theatre. See the photo of my foot where they marked an arrow so they sliced open the right foot. And some comfort food Ed bought me after the op that I still couldn't eat.

My mum and the kids left early as the kids were tired. Ed left at about 8.30pm so I could get some sleep.

So what sort of surgery did I have done to my foot?

I got a Chevron osteotomy (Distal) which is indicated for correction of a mild to moderate hallux valgus (Bunion) deformity. This allows for a small reduction of the angle between the first and second metatarsal. It is ideal for bunions that are not particularly pronounced.

The procedure involves a V-shaped cut in the distal aspect of the first metatarsal near the metatarsal head. This allows the distal aspect of the bone to be translated between 45 mm in the lateral direction. The cut bone is then fixed in this position with a small screw or a suture of some sort. The excess bone on the inside of the foot (medial side) is then reseated. The joint capsule is also tightened to allow for correction of the bunion.

Patients undergoing a chevron osteotomy are often allowed to walk as long as they are in a stiff soled shoe and they mostly walk with weight through their heel. They do need to limit their activity in the postoperative period, as excessive activity can lead to a nonunion or a malunion. Patients can usually be advanced to a more normal shoe at 6 weeks. However, it will often be 3-4 months before they have made 80% of their recovery and often 9-12 months before their maximal recovery is achieved. Patients recovering from a chevron osteotomy (or other foot surgeries) can have persistent swelling. This can carry on for number of months following surgery. This is due to increased blood flow as part of the healing process.

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Eve of my surgery

Yes I'm pretty damn nervous about the surgery tomorrow but I'm also trying to stay calm and enjoy the weekend with Ed and the kids.

So I finally wore my Jordan Knight's STINGY shirt out today. I am guilty of not washing it but chances are that Jordan actually touched it so I'm going to wear it and wash it after. Get some of his DNA first. Haha. I sound like a teenager!

Something else I heard today,...while I was on, I read a blog mentioning that they might tour Asia next year!! OMG I pray this is true!!

Better start saving up.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Children's day

So today is Children's Day or so I thought. Well, it's always been since I was a little girl and all of a sudden, they decide to change the date. I find it ridiculous! Give me a real good reason why the date has to be changed?

Whatever it is, the kids and us celebrated it today anyway.

Our first stop was Dunkin Donuts at ION Orchard. Then off to Daiso and Muji. Can you believe it? They are already selling Christmas stuff!! The kids were thrilled because they got to toss in a lot of items in to the basket at Daiso. And after, we took them to Cocoa Tree and bought them a big bag of Reese's Pieces Peanut Butter Cups.

And it was off to Swensen's for ice-cream buffet after!!! Kids had a great time and were high on sugar.

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